Cultural Intelligence is the capability to relate and work effectively in culturally diverse situations. Culture is not just about geography, nationality or ethnicity–it’s also found in different professions, businesses, organisations, and even departments within organisations. Unlock your ability and learn how to bridge the culture gap through CQ Certification.
Certification in CQ provides participants with:
- Access to the only academically validated CQ Assessment available in the world
- Exclusive discounted pricing for the CQ Assessments through the CQ Reseller’s Program
- Networking opportunities with CQ Certified Professionals around the world
- Equipped to teach the Developing Cultural Intelligence Workshop (Level 2 only)
Fun facts about Washington DC:
- D.C. residents drink more wine per capita than residents of any of the 50 states
- There is an empty crypt beneath the Capital building that was supposed to be the final resting place of George Washington. He instead decided to be buried at Mount Vernon
- By law, anything that has been copyrighted must have a copy in The Library of Congress. Therefore, anyone with a valid library card can read the top secret FBI interrogation manual that is housed there
Early-Bird Discounts end 1 January. Secure your spot today and register online!