CQ Celebration 2022
An inaugural one day event dedicated to using Cultural Intelligence (CQ) to celebrate our differences.

in-person and livestream information
- 9:30 AM BST
- London, UK
The event is an in-person event and will be livestreamed to offer an equally immersive experience for those online as for those attending in person. More to come on location and livestream info.
Are you looking to thrive in an increasingly diverse world? Join us for a unique conference to celebrate Cultural Intelligence (CQ®) and discover its transformative impact on personal and professional lives. In this interactive all-day event, a group of renowned industry leaders and speakers will help you explore CQ and how it improves your interactions and relationships. A book launch, theatre experience, group activities, breakout sessions and networking opportunities and so much more, will leave you inspired to go back to the world with a deeper appreciation of the real impact of CQ on personal and professional lives.
- In-Person | General Admission – £ 395.00 ($517 USD)
- In-Person | Certified Facilitators – £295.00 ($386.87 USD)
- In-Person | Independent Consultants or Small Businesses – £295.00 ($386.87 USD)
- Virtual – £99.00 ($129.82 USD)
Purchase Tickets Today!
Note: USD prices are an approximate and subject to change.
TBD however we plan to feature a cross-selection of speakers with various backgrounds in cultural intelligence, diversity, inclusion and human resources.
Being finalised but will consist of opening/closing remarks, a keynote address, panel discussions, breakout rooms and a networking hallway with refreshments.
The View, Royal College of Surgeons of England
38-43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3PE
- Exclusive use of self-contained 6th floor space
- Modern, bright and spacious
- Blend of modern, sustainable spaces and 19th century history
- Fully accessible
- Large terrace with views of the capital including The London Eye and The Shard
- Outstanding seasonal food and beverages provided by Searcys, renowned UK events caterer
Learn more about the hosts and panelists
Hover over each image to learn more about the speakers!

event details
- London, UK
- 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM London Time
- In-Person and Virtual
- More Details Coming Soon
# of Days Remaining Before the EVENT
Pre-Register to stay up to date on the latest event information
Fill out the short form below and we will provide you with updates on CQ Celebration 2022 including when tickets go on sale, speaker lineup, the agenda and any other information pertinent to the event. Note: completing the form below does not guarantee you a spot or reservation for the event (details for signing up for the event will be released soon). Can’t wait, purchase tickets today!
The Cultural Intelligence Center is an innovative, research-based training and consulting firm that draws upon empirical findings to help organizations and individuals assess and improve cultural intelligence (CQ)-the ability to work effectively with people from different nationalities, ethnicities, age groups, and more. We create programs, workshops, certifications, and multiple-languages assessments that are industry-specific and tailored to help people acquire CQ capabilities and harness their transformative powers in every aspect of their lives. Headquartered in the United States, our globally diverse team of experts and trainers serves clients all over the world to help everyone, everywhere unlock the power of CQ. More information about the Cultural Intelligence Center can be found on our website at www.CulturalQ.com.
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