Cultural Intelligence 360° Assessments

Our CQ 360° Assessments measure an individual’s capability for working and relating across cultures, and compare those ratings to observer rated capabilities.

What is the CQ 360° Assessment?

The CQ 360° Assessment is a tool where individuals rate their own cultural effectiveness and also receive observer rated feedback for comparison. This type of tool allows individuals to understand where ratings align and also provides a good starting place for personal development in areas where ratings diverge.
Starting with the 360° Assessment is a great way to evaluate self-rated cultural intelligence in comparison with observer rated cultural intelligence. Because Cultural Intelligence is malleable it can be enhanced and improved through a variety of learning methods including e-Learning courses, certification programs, workshops, or consulting.
All of our CQ Assessments are built upon extensive, peer-reviewed, research. To learn more about the research basis of our assessments, click here.

how does the 360° Assessment work?

We have two distinct types of 360° Assessments that can be administered by CQ Certified individuals.

With our Standard 360° Assessment, an individual will start by rating themselves in four distinct areas: CQ Drive, CQ Knowledge, CQ Strategy, and CQ Action. Next, the individual will self-select observers to provide feedback on their behalf. All observer feedback is aggregated and provided to the individual for comparison to their self-rated scores.

We also have a Team version of our 360° Assessment. This tool is designed for in-tact teams where the individual team members act as observers. With the Team version of 360° Assessment, an administrator or program coordinator will start by forming teams. Individuals on those teams will rate themselves on the four CQ capabilities and will then get an opportunity to provide feedback on each of the other team members’ CQ. Team feedback is aggregated and presented to each individual for comparison to their self-rated scores.

Compare our 360° Assessments

CQ 360° Assessment

✔ Self-selected observers 

✔ Self and Observer-Ratings & Norms for the 4 CQ Capabilities

✔ Self and Observer-Ratings & Norms for the 13 CQ Sub-dimensions

✔ Development & Action Plan

✔ Personal Cultural Value Preferences

✔ Cultural Clusters

CQ 360° Assessment (Team)

✔ Administrator Selected Observers

✔ Self and Observer-Ratings & Norms for the 4 CQ Capabilities

Self and Observer-Ratings & Norms for the 13 CQ Sub-dimensions

✔ Development & Action Plan

✔ Personal Cultural Value Preferences

✔ Cultural Clusters

Select Type

CQ Certification Schedule

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